Heyeon° Film by Blenno die wurstbrucke in Korea

Blenno homemade trash film shoot in Incheon KoreaMusique by Blenno, Dancer: Noh Noh Noh futur (with additionnal trashification by "Banque de jeux de pharaon")
"I don’t even want to know that there were men before me" (Descartes),
"but some essential & simple laws, pathetic & muffled fermentation of a solid earth." (Tristan Tzara).
 "I abhor to enter a house where the balconies, the "ornaments", are carefully stuck to the wall. Yet the sun, the stars continue to vibrate and hum freely in space, but I loathe to identify the explanatory hypotheses (asphyxiant probable) with the principle of life, activity, certainty. " (Tristan Tzara again!!)
 ..... "we are God only for the country of our knowledge, in the laws according to which we live experience on this earth, on both sides of our equator, inside our borders. Perfect example of the infinite we can control: the sphere."......."Drill a hole about a mile into the earth and drop a microphone to within a few feet of the bottom.- (dance over to comunicate your pleasure of throwing something into the hole)- Mount the amplifier and speaker in a very large empty room and adjust the volume to make audible any sounds that might come from the cavity. " Bruce Nauman
 and......"Tristan Tzara said: “Poetry is for everyone.”
And André Breton called him a cop and expelled him from the movement. Say it again: “Poetry is for everyone.”" William Burroughs End of name dropping!